- Giovanni Falcone utilizzava ''gioco grande'' per definire il gioco del potere.
Un gioco che in Italia è stato condotto attraverso stragi e omicidi, ininterrottamente, dalla strage di Portella Ginestra nel 1947.
Con la nascita della Repubblica, inizia anche la strategia della tensione e stragi ininterrotte che non hanno eguali in nessun paese Europeo.
Queste stragi, fino ad arrivare a quelle del 1992 & 1993, hanno un minimo comune denominatore: i depistaggi fatti da apparati dello stato. Nel 2021 Borsellino quater, i giudici hanno definito la strage di Via D’Amelio come il più grave depistaggio della repubblica giudiziaria italiana.-

Roberto Scarpinato, Procuratore Generale della Corte D'appello di Palermo. 
Stay Behind is a conspiracy & spy film that bring to light the unsolved mysteries of Italy’s recent history. Stay behind is a TV series concept that focuses on the protagonists Antonella, the mastermind, and Monster Face, the man behind the focus.
For years we had a story that was focusing on telling the story of criminals or of prosecutors, nobody still has told a key aspect of the 70s, 80s, 90s. The aspect of Secret Services.
A part of those was Stay Behind, born in 1956 thanks to Nato & CIA in roder to face the soviet invasion, strangely got involved in political terrorism and mafia.
Starting from the Moro kidnapping and travelling through the Years of Lead, the Blue Moon operation, the terroristic attacks, Mani Pulite process and Cosa Nostra, Stay Behind re-builds these milestones through the character of Antonella.
Antonella was Monster Face’s colleague: a man that from the 70s would have circled around secret services, organised crime and state, making him the sicario at the center of many crimes that made the history of Italy. The omicide of the senator Mattarella, the attack at Addaura, Domino, Nino D’agostino and, to get closer to the hear our story, both execution of Paolo Borsellino & Giovanni Falcone.
Antonella is thought to be more dangerous than the sicario and one of the youngest Stay Behind agents. A perfect character in order to describe the charm of evil with arrogance of this hidden figure that, symbolically, holds Borsellino’s notebook.
The red notebook is in fact the focal point of the film since Antonella, only voice of the film, travels through the scenarios of those years. The red notebook represents the secrets over 30 years old of those external and political enablers, secrets Antonella hints to unveil, but maybe now it’s too late.
Since in 2022 it will be 30 years since the execution of judges Borsellino and Falcone, Stay Behind, as a TV series concept, brings a more complex, fresh and updated narrative on what happened those years and why those secrets are still secrets. It’s a film of spies, lies and men of State, where political terrorist and mafiosi only frame a power much bigger and dangerous of the Italian Fable.

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